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Culture Lab LIC Gala 2024:

The Grand Carnaval
Thursday, September 12, 7-10pm

Step Right Up to The Grand Carnaval!

Join us for an unforgettable evening at Culture Lab LIC's Annual Gala, The Grand Carnaval!


This year's theme is a dazzling mix of 1930s circus flair and artistic splendor, promising a night of immersive entertainment, delightful cuisine, and sensational performances, all in support of the amazing 501(c)(3) Culture Lab LIC!

Why Attend?

Experience the Magic: Dive into an immersive experience where art, culture, and community come together under the big top - From live entertainment to a DJ dance party that will keep you moving all night!

Support the Arts: As a charitable 501(c)(3) organization, Culture Lab LIC dedicates itself to enriching our community with exceptional, affordable arts and culture programming. Your attendance and generosity directly support these initiatives, ensuring that we can continue to foster creativity and community engagement.

Delight in Gourmet Food and Drinks: Savor delectable dishes and refreshing beverages as you mingle with fellow art enthusiasts and supporters. Our gala is not just an event; it's a culinary journey that complements the artistic atmosphere.

Feel the Magic Up Close: Be part of a vibrant community that values inclusivity and creativity. At Culture Lab LIC, everyone is welcome under our tent, a place where you are secure, protected, and celebrated!

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