Lunar New Year
Let's Celebrate Together!
Saturday, January 21, 2023, 4 -11pm
Join us for traditional Chinese music, snacks and games! Featuring performances by MaeMae Dance Studio, RuDanceNY, Andy Lin, Sunshine Dance NYC, Wei Sun, and, at 9pm a free concert by Cyber East!
Cyber East is the collaboration of artists Sashenka and ADÀI. Sashenka is an Indie musician with a futuristic vision, who makes not exclusively electronic, synth wave, synthpop to explore the possibilities of Chinese vocal and niche electronic music. ADÀI is an ElectroPop producer, DJ, singer, songwriter in NYC/Beijing, who explores the concept of Cpop by blending the root of Chinese music with electronic sounds.
Daytime events are sold out, but you can still RSVP for free tickets to the evening Cyber East concert:












Lunar New Year Party大年三十除夕派对
Chinese New Year Party大年三十除夕派对!就在眼前!欢迎小伙伴们都来玩!无需门票, 还原小时候的春节,过一个超级有中国年味的大年!带上你的朋友一起来过年吧!
活动于1月21日周六(年三十)4点开始。回到小时候的春节:一起写春联、照片墙拍照领红包、逛友谊商店、玩庙会游戏、做灯笼、打麻将、斗地主、有奖套圈圈,DIY艺术小画。品尝过年小吃零食和饺子(荤素饺子都有),欣赏国家级传统乐器艺术家们的精彩现场慈善表演,他们曾获多个国际奖项,在卡内基和林肯中心,大都会博物馆等地表演、还有一级舞蹈演员的工作室呈现古典舞。现场会直播春晚节目,把气氛拉满,以及晚上9点中国乐队Cyber East纽约首秀演出!
活动详情如下:Event Details:
12/21 周六 四点开始:Starts at 4pm
艺术小画DIY art workshop (4-5pm)
Tin Tin Tint 滕藤小画,是华人新锐艺术家滕藤在2016年在纽约创立的时尚艺术珠微观小画表达自己的态度,将“Art To Wear”的概念与珠宝、绘画艺术结合,让艺术融入生活,兼具手工艺的浪漫和时尚的美感。
New York artist Teng Teng provides participants with exquisite small picture frames of her own design and teaches them to paint within the space of a square inch. After they finish, participants can wear their own stories as necklaces, brooches, rings and other jewelry.
The Art to Wear workshop provides a platform for everyone and brings art closer to the public.
品尝新年小吃:Taste New Year Deserts
玩游戏:Play Games
有奖套圈圈 Throw the Hoop Lucky Draw
有奖敲锣 Hit the gong and win a prize.
国粹 & 斗地主Mahjong and cards
写福字和春联 DIY Calligraphy of New Year Wishes
做灯笼 DIY Lantern Making
Special dance performances presented by Queensboro Dance Festival (IG @ queensborodancefestival)
4:45pm: MaeMae Dance Studio 表演传统中国舞和现代舞performing a mix of traditional Chinese and contemporary dances
6:00pm: RuDanceNY, 表演拉丁舞和中国传统舞蹈performing Latin Ballroom and traditional Chinese dance
6:30二胡艺术家演奏 Andy Lin (Er Hu Performing Artist)
新亞室內樂協會的創辦人及藝術總監,以全額獎學金於茱莉亞音樂學院(The Juilliard School)取得學士及碩士學位,及紐約州立大學石溪分校(State University of New York at Stony Brook)音樂藝術博士學位。林肯中心室內樂協會(Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center)指定簽約為2013~2016年的年輕固定室內樂團。今年2023 年1/24 将在Madison Square Garden 尼克斯農曆新年球賽上用二胡演出美國國歌。2. 2/14 與朗朗在radio city 演出迪士尼的木蘭 reflection二胡獨奏。3. 5/21 在大都會博物館演出二胡獨奏。喜欢的朋友们欢迎前往。
Taiwanese born violist and erhuist (Chinese violin), Wei-Yang Andy Lin, is recognized as one of the most promising and the only active performers who specialized in both western and eastern instruments. New York Times wrote “Taiwanese-born violist Wei-Yang Andy Lin..…is also a virtuoso on the erhu, and he gave a brilliant performance.” His music album was selected by the New York Times as “The Best 25 Classical Music Recordings of 2015.” Andy is also the artistic director and co-founder of the New Asia Chamber Music Society. This year on 1/14 he will be performing in the Madison Square Garden for the Knicks. On 2/14 he will be playing solo Er Hu at Radio City. On 5/21 also solo Er Hu in the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
7pm Dance Performance古典舞 《梦回大唐》by Sunshine Dance NYC
Sunshine Dance NYC 成立于2015年位于曼哈顿中城,2019年成立长岛分校区,主攻少儿舞蹈。美国芭蕾舞团ABT考级指定考点。舞蹈课程包括少儿芭蕾舞考级,中国古典舞,中国民族舞,爵士舞,街舞,芭蕾舞,现代舞,肚皮舞,古风舞等。学校配有专业师资,七年的沉淀,Sunshine已成为大纽约地区,有口皆碑的舞蹈工作室。除了日常的舞蹈教学, 工作室积极活跃于纽约华人艺术圈,是纽约世界舞蹈嘉年华常驻表演嘉宾,NPO-STEMteachersNYC Fundraising 慈善晚会、2016北美高校大型春节联欢晚会(中央电视台春节联欢晚会转播)、Asian American Council 2016年年会、中国高校北美校友会联盟2017春晚、2017,2018年哥伦比亚大学春节联欢晚,2019纽约舞蹈节等大型活动中都有学员们的精彩表演。2021 2022 星湃纽约大型春晚, 纽约时装周合作舞台等。欢迎广大热爱舞蹈的小伙伴加入我们的大家庭。
Sunshine Dance Studio NYC was founded in 2015. We first started with a small group of people with passions for dance and have grown bigger and bigger ever since.
We believe in quality and professionalism and that’s why we only collaborate with the best instructors based in New York City. In Sunshine, we offer classes across all genres including hip-hop, jazz, ballet, classic, and traditional Chinese dances.
We are committed to creating an embracing dance community for all of our students. Our clients consist of students from universities and colleges and young working professionals from top companies across all 5 boroughs of New York.
7:30pm吃饺子(饺子每份$15,分量有限)和其他餐饮 Dinner
8:30 百老汇古筝艺术家演奏
Wei Sun, a young guzheng artist from China, was born into a family of musicians and started her guzheng journey at the age of 6, She is a certified senior teacher of guzheng, a member of the China National Instrumental Association and the International Guzheng Association. In 2016, she came to the United States as a guzheng performer and teacher at the CBA Cultural and Arts Center.
Wei is the principal performer of Guzheng of the Chinese National Orchestra in New York, she has been invited to perform at the Lincoln Center, United Nations, Pace University, Columbia University, Merkin Concert Hall, Flushing Town hall, Queens College Art Center and highly praised.
She is one of the co-founders of the trio bands- StringsW and Miss. In October 2017, StringsW held a successful concert in Carnegie Hall. This concert combined Western and Chinese instruments together to rearrange Chinese folk music. Since
March 2022, Wei has performed in the Broadway musical show 《Noble Family》
9pm中国乐队Cyber East纽约首秀演出
独立音乐人,用未来视角链接现在。她用人类语言与机品语言,通过电子音乐诉说者平行世界发生的怪诞想象。音乐风格不限于流行电子 、Synthwave、Synthpop等,试图探索中文人声与小众电子多种可能。Sashenka不仅活跃在现实世界中,还在虚拟世界中有者“类本体”的形象存在,她不时出现在互联网中用虛拟身份和大家见面,讲述她的星球故事和宇宙妙想。
曾获2019 Apple Music 华语年度榜单Top10、2019 年度华语音乐排行Top56(耳帝推荐)
代表作:《Sunset Drive》、《running in the rain》、《lost cyberia》、《红雨》等
2017年起,宋黛霆开始以歌手、词曲作者和制作人身份进入华语乐坛,曾签约TME腾讯音乐人, 发行歌曲在全网超6千万播放量,曾作为榜单六强登上过《这!就是原创》,原创歌曲被收入院 线电影和电视剧,如《半个喜剧》等。作为词曲作者和制作人,合作艺人包括Sunnee杨芸晴,⻩龄,任素汐。
2021年起,宋黛霆来到在纽约,在伯克利音乐学院研究生毕业后开启自己的制作人/DJ生涯。在继 续华语音乐创作和制作的同时,开始以ADÀI为艺名在国际乐坛发行作品,并且在伯克利音乐学院研究生项目担任课程研发和设计工作。
活动 Event RSVP:
Eventbrite 链接
Lunar New Year Event Credits:
Jessica Rigby
Co Organizer
Jingru Li
Fashion Photographer
Reiko Y.
Marketing & PR
Jingru Li
Teng Teng
Art Workshop
Tin Tin Tint
Chinese Calligraphy Artist
Hongxiang Zhou
Dance Groups
Sunshine Dance NYC(
Queensboro Dance Festival (IG @
MaeMae Dance Studio
Music Performing Artists
Violist and Erhuist
Andy Lin
Guzheng Artist
Wei Sun
Live Music
Cyber East
Cyber East is the collaboration of artists Sashenka and ADÀI. Sashenka is an Indie musician with a futuristic vision, who makes not exclusively electronic, synth wave, synthpop to explore the possibilities of Chinese vocal and niche electronic music. ADÀI is an ElectroPop producer, DJ, singer, songwriter in NYC/Beijing, who explores the concept of Cpop by blending the root of Chinese music with electronic sounds.
DJ & Signer
ADÀI is an ElectroPop producer, DJ, singer, songwriter in NYC/Beijing, who explores the concept of Cpop by blending the root of Chinese music with electronic sounds.”
Xiaowu Zheng
Spotify @ Xiaowu Zheng
Olala Design Store