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OUR supporters

Special thanks to the following organizations and

individuals for their continuing support:

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Plaxall Logo Teal 75 Years_edited.jpg
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Cushman Logo.jpg
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IPG Final Logo.png
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Our Supporters
Additional Support Provided by

Ford Foundation

Jack Weisberg Foundation

The Olson Family

Robert & Dolores Charitable Gift Fund

Culture Lab LIC Members



Caitlin Berube
Mariette Booth
Sara Howsam
Paul Katcher
Joanna Lau
Clifford Voigt
Jennah Vox



Lili Arkin
Avelyn Hang
Jackson Ave Dental    
Anna Light
Jacob Light
Gregory Manko
Dan Olson
Dave Richardson


janet Belden
Carolina Bernabe
Caitlin Berube
Fayanne Betan
Carl Bialik
Ronni Bode’
The Bomzer Family
Mariette Booth
Dana & Bradley Borne
Noa Bornstein
Allie Haake
Ali Haider
Avelyn Hang
Ian Hatch
Carrie Anne Haufler
Elizabeth Heidere
MaryLynn Hetsko
Mary Hill
Rory & Julia Horan
Sara Howsam
John Huntington
Carl Bialik
Scott Caplan
Lindsey Clinton
candice colucci
Rob Dearborn & Tori Albert
Eli Draluk
Milton Eleftheriou
Barbara Etzel
Tristan Fischer-Smith
Allie Haake
Ian Hatch
Pat Irwin
John Liu
LaLena Luna
Jennifer Martinez
Chris Nikkel
Nneka Njoku
Asher Novick
ariel palma
Maria C. Perdigon
Anthony Petrillo
Ray Philip
cristián pietrapiana
Skyler Reid
Daina Shobrys
Patrick Smalley
Chase Steinberg
Mark Tucker
Jacqueline Varela
Mark Velazquez
Abby Wohl
Sylvester Zawadzki


Aneka Matt
Marianne    McCarthy
Lucio Medina
Carl Meissner
Cynthia Mendez
Zoë Morsette
Andrew Myers
Wai Ng
Catherine O’Keeffe
Michael Padwee
Ami Palombo
Edward Perez
Nohemi Perez
Andrea Petersen
Jessica Pevzner
Halley Pierce
Bill Popp
Sean Prendergast
Ricca Ramey
debbie rasiel
Luanne Murphy & Richard Bueno
Anthony Rizzo
Michael Rodas
Katherine Rodriguez
Santi Rodriguez
Amani Rohayyem
Cary Rose
Samantha Rothaus
Benedict    Sandona
Elyse Saviet
Ivan Schwarz
Tynisha Serena
Seth Smith
Gildo Spadoni
Simon Spector
Eric Sredzinski
bill Summers
Ayaka Suzuki
Crystal Tanfield
Dave Tereshkow
Greg Testo
Scottie Thompson
Thom Ulmer
Mathieu Waeber
Maria Walline
Dan Weinstein
Edward L Wheeler
William Wieting
Audrey Wile
Corneli Wouters
Jon Yanofsky
Sylvester Zawadzki



Members - Culture Lab LIC

As a member of Culture Lab LIC, you directly support dozens of arts, cultural and neighborhood organizations enjoyed by the entire community. As a Thank You for your awesomeness, each of our membership levels offer something for everyone: $2 off drinks, early viewings to monthly exhibitions, artists talks, Culture Lab LIC swag, and discounts to theater, dance, music concerts, and special events. We have an exciting 2022 season ahead of us and we cannot wait to share it with you! 

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